The globalisation has increased trade and wealth in recent years. However, the complexity of global supply and value chains has also led to demands to better assess whether these complex systems respect human rights, as well as social and environmental standards.
The globalisation has increased trade and wealth in recent years. However, the complexity of global supply and value chains has also led to demands to better assess whether these complex systems respect human rights, as well as social and environmental standards.
In compliance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, States have enacted laws to implement the “protect, respect and remedy” policy framework on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises.
D-EQ is engaging in a multi-stakeholder dialogue on the newly enacted laws and the corporate responsibility to respect human rights, which in essence means to act with due diligence. The objective of this dialogue is to achieve the “operationalising” of the framework to render it effective. In doing so, D-EQ - relying on the expertise of IT researchers at the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft and renowned academics - proposes a practical way forward that relies on:
The concept of SC Global Monitor allows the respective State authorities to monitor, inform, and advise all those involved in international trade. Furthermore, it provides the evidence to sanction those who disregard their obligation for due diligence with respect to human rights, social and environmental standards.
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